The marketing agency of the future


Lately I have been invited to give my views on the future of marketing, first as a panelist at the Google Premier Partners Awards in Dublin and today at the South Summit in Madrid. After all, as entrepreneurs we have always said that our initial idea was to create the software, but things led to founding RocketROI and it was after 4 years that we were able to embark on the adventure of creating the marketing automation technology of our dreams, today Spaceboost. 1/3 of my post-university life as a pro marketer, another 1/3 as a co-founder & CEO of a marketing agency and now as a technologist gives you a slightly transverse vision, and so I am ready to give my humble opinion on the matter. I don’t pretend to be right about everything (in fact I’m sure that’s not the case), but I do want to generate as rich a debate as possible about it.

And how do I imagine the marketing agencies of the future?

Based on data, with small spaces for creativity that allow iterations pro-optimization, transparent to the core and based on results. We are looking at marketing that is more like financial management than the creativity and commercial persuasion that some were used to. We’re going to a world full of “zeros” and “ones”, with a technology that will allow us to take Mr. Philip Kotler‘s equation (Product, Price, Placement, Promotion) to the maximum expression: reaching the perfect optimization that relates the best product, through the best impact, at the best price, to the exact audience. Where are we now? The movie has just begun, but we’ll go there later…

And I wonder, why now? I have actually been thinking about the future of agencies since 2006, when I had my first job at MPG. That’s when I realized that things were really going to change in the industry. And I’m not just talking about digital disruption (…) That’s when I really began to understand the value of data as the true communication”fuel“, and of a service that in a very short time should go through a revision to adapt to the new times. That was 13 years ago…

Where we come from, where we are

Let’s understand the story: the first real advertising agents emerged in the 18th century selling small commercial spaces in newspapers, to whom they paid a small commission for each space sold. They realized that it was easier to sell those spaces if they showed the brands the final result of how the space would look. Successively they specialized, some in looking for the medium, others in designing the text and others in dealing with customers. This was the true “germ” of today’s modern advertising agencies. In the nineteenth century with the industrial rev everything accelerated, the concept of “brands” was born to identify goods and services, the rise of communication… And the rest we already know.

So today we have, on the one hand, the so-called 360º Marketing Agencies (with more clients, they are more versatile and tend to attack end-to-end projects for the brands they work with) and the Specialized Marketing Agencies -where we go for an individual consideration- and we can find services of all kinds: market research, media agencies, below the line agencies, social networks, marketing, SEO, branding, mobile, inbound, marketing automation, persuasion… and on.

5 things that are happening right now

#1 Insourcing Agency Capabilities

Should we internalize agency services? This is the classic question that has always existed in marketing departments and brands around the world, regardless of the vertical or size of the company.

One of the justified reasons for this change is the frustration of brands with some agencies, due to their slow delivery times, lack of transparency in costs and, to a lesser extent, lack of digital knowledge, which are the skills needed to navigate today’s complicated digital marketing environment. This is happening less and less positively and the agents who provide marketing services to brands are realizing it, we are working independent agencies and as not, so have the large agencies, which are immersed in continuous processes of optimization of internal processes.

Fundamentally, outsourcing is a strategic decision that requires a careful evaluation of the level of demand, capacity, current and future capabilities, talent and investment of a company. This point may well be worth a full post… While it is true on the other hand that services such as centralized media buying offered better rates and better performance to brands, especially since the boom of the mass media in the 80s and 90s. Today this issue is a delicate issue in which the big players (the GAFA) can afford not to enter… But this is another issue.

But let’s not fool ourselves, in general terms this issue has always been on the decision table. But the real question for brands is whether internal outsourcing of marketing activities is right for them. Let me explain: on the one hand, a simple breakdown of costs will clearly show us that in many cases – especially big brands – the opportunity for savings from outsourcing can be significant. But on the other hand, in an increasingly complex, constantly changing industry, brands can risk stagnation.

Is this core business for you? Keep in-house what you need most. No? Get outside, and demand best results or nothing.

43% (2016), 77% (2017) and 53% (2018) of brands continue to rely on outsourcing their marketing services, must be taken into account. My advice whenever I am asked? Easy, ask yourself the following question: is this core business for you? Keep in-house what you need most.

No? Get outside, and demand best results or nothing.

In next posts we will analyze the following things that are happening right now in marketing agencies:

#2 Aggressive cost management
#3 Increased professional complexity
#4 Consultancies ascend on experience
#5 Escalating Technology Spending

This is a post that will be written in chapters and I still don’t know how long it will be. Stay tuned for next updates. Thanks!


Caso II: El modelo de negocio de los comparadores en internet y cómo multiplicar sus ventas +8.000%

El modelo de los comparadores en Internet

Hoy voy a analizar un modelo de negocio de imparable crecimiento en internet y que todos conocemos: los comparadores en internet o Metabuscadores.

El modelo de comparador ha existido siempre: como cuando le preguntábamos a un amigo viajero acerca de cuál es el mejor hotel en una determinado destino o cuando consultamos a ese amigo sibarita que todos tenemos cuál es el mejor restaurante de nuestra ciudad para ir a cenar para una ocasión especial.

Un comparador en internet viene a ser algo parecido a nuestro amigo “consigliere” pero añadiendo la tecnología, que nos aporta volumen (agregación de toda la oferta del mercado) y velocidad. Así, los comparadores de internet nos permiten conocer y comparar de forma rápida y sencilla toda la oferta del mercado, sus características principales, opiniones y precios.

A un comparador le pedimos principalmente 3 cosas: que conozca toda la oferta del mercado, que nos pueda conseguir el mejor precio y que sea sincero en sus opiniones.

Continue reading Caso II: El modelo de negocio de los comparadores en internet y cómo multiplicar sus ventas +8.000%

Caso I: Optimizar ROI en Formularios de Contacto B2C desde Google Adwords

Multiplicar +800% las conversiones y reducir 92% el Coste / Conversión de una manera drástica



Hoy inauguro una serie de casos reales de resultados de clientes de RocketROI, casos que en mayor o menor medida tienen todos nuestros clientes y que son el principal motivo de porqué el 98% de ellos mantienen su confianza en nosotros. En éstos casos hablaremos de modelos de negocio digitales de todo tipo, desde marcas nativas digitales con complejos modelos de atribución multicanal hasta algunos más sencillos de simple conversión post-click como el que hoy presento.

Empezaremos con un modelo de negocio fácil de explicar y que todos conocemos: la generación de formularios de contacto para un negocio B2C (Business-To-Consumer).

Por motivos de confidencialidad no puedo desvelar de qué anunciante estoy hablando, por eso tomaremos prestado a modo de ejemplo el modelo de captación de reservas del Servicio de Taxis de Nueva York. Las métricas, así como el resto de aspectos del modelo son 100% reales y corresponden a un anunciante de respuesta directa en Google Adwords que se ha conectado a RocketROI hace tan sólo 4 semanas.

Continue reading Caso I: Optimizar ROI en Formularios de Contacto B2C desde Google Adwords

Lanzamos RocketROI

La semana pasada hicimos público el proyecto RocketROI que hoy os presentamos. Sólo unos pocos lo sabían, pero todo a lo que nos hemos dedicado en este último año y medio ha estado enfocado a lograr los correctos recursos necesarios (socios, tecnología, soluciones estadísticas, casos de éxito, etc.) para garantizar la viabilidad de este proyecto. Dicho de otra manera, hemos preferido trabajar “en la sombra” sin hacer ruido, validar el modelo y presentarlo cuando estuviéramos convencidos de él. Hoy es ese día.

Qué es RocketROI

RocketROI es la plataforma de gestión y optimización de inversión publicitaria digital que ayuda a los anunciantes y agencias de todo el mundo a hacer publicidad digital rentable y escalable.

  • Contemplamos la publicidad digital como la suma micro-mercados financieros
  • Optimizamos en tiempo real 24/7  la inversión publicitaria digital de manera automática e inteligente
  • Perseguimos siempre un objetivo económico de conversión (impactos, clicks, tráfico, registro de usuarios, clientes potenciales, ventas…) a partir de un Coste por Adquisición / Beneficio Mínimo que define el anunciante.
  • El primer medio con el que trabajamos es Google Adwordsestamos trabajando en la integración de más medios (PAID).
  • Ahorra enormes cantidades de tiempo y dinero a nuestros anunciantes.
  • Hacemos que los anunciantes puedan crecer de manera escalable, vender más y mejor.
  • Y sí, funciona de maravilla.

Continue reading Lanzamos RocketROI